
monday i suppose

my mom is killing me slowly, i swear. she's getting on my nerves everyday. sometimes, i just don't want people to care about me. i don't need their attention. SO ANNOYING! lagipula it was a tiny mistake. terserah dehhhhh sebel!!!!!!!!!!

finally, i'm posting a new post. after almost 2 weeks yah? good. :D
i finished my national exam.

one down, two more to go.

right now, gw lagi ujian praktek.. finished the first day.
tomorrow is the second day and the last day, thank God.

abis itu kyk 'relax' a week. and then we fight again..................... my god, gk ada istirahat sama sekali. capekkkkk.
but i like going to school these days. gatau kenapa, sekolah jadi menyenangkan. and geez, i can't believe i just said that. :p

let's talk about facebook.
i'm so not into facebook anymore. the site is cool i have to say, but after a year or two, it gets pretty lame. and i hate the new look of facebook. it too... organized? yeah, i don't like that.

today, i planned to go on a diet. but failed for like the 4th time already.
tadinya sih abis main kartu, mau pergi ke pi mau beli salad buat lunch cieeeee. tapi ternyata malah pergi bareng2 ke mcd. hohhh.........
it was fun.

quoted from sabrina "mau main per per-an nih? serius?" JEDER hahahahahhaha sampe guling2 gw ketawanya. sumpah gw udah jarang banget ketawa lebay............... and for the record that was such a good laugh! seriously, itu ketawa gw yang bener2 seneng since march. mati gk... haha.
thankyou :D

i quote this from a very very good song of Fergieeeeeeeeee HAHAHAHHA
sangat nyambung.

who are you and what do you?
what makes you think you're above me?
but have you walked in my shoes?

i can't believe... i'm actually typing fergie in my post hahahahhahaahaha bercanda nin. :D

anyway, i guess this is it.

byebyeeee ;)

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