
desperado for good

can a girl dream for a great relationship with a guy?
can a girl dream for a great guy?
can a girl even (can) think of a guy that would never cheat on her?

---- guess,it doesn't work with me.

i don't know what should i call it. cheating--- or whatever.
but it just hurts my feelings. i tried to be the best,i tried to be..everything.
but it was not enough.

4 hours ago you told me that you're jealous if one of your friends texted me or called me.
4 hours later, i was crying for you.
craving crying,yea right.

good great cheapo me.

what can i do now? i'm so confused.
neither one of you are serious.
should i move on? i want to. but it's too hard.
should i hang on? i want to. but it's too hard.

ok end of boys topic.
start : family drama.

maybe i should start writing a book about my life. even a movie could do. great!
it's full of 4 words : d r a m a.
got kicked out.
and well lots lots lots more----and i don't want you guys to know about it.
horrible things happened to me.
well,i really try to forget. but what can a child do? we can't just erase our memories.
bad bad bad memories with our beloved mother.
or maybe you don't know (bad memories) with you mummy.
that's great. lucky you.

well that's enough for today.
nap time.

bed time wish: Please. do something. Text me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. Miss Call would be great. i need to talk.

i need my mates,sos.


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